How to Body & Skin Detox

Posted by Judy Cheung-Wood on

Detoxing the body and skin is an important process to go through every 6 months to help remove the build up of toxins that accumulate in our tissues and cells. Detoxing & cleansing takes the workload off the main organs like the liver and kidneys and allows some much needed regeneration time. The health benefits are numerous - including improved immunity, clearer radiant skin, more energy and healthy hormones. Follow the following Body & Skin Detoxing Regime for 7 days to give you back that sparkle in your step and the glow in your skin! Foods to avoid:
  • All dairy products
  • Grains including wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, quinoa and rice
  • Sugar, including coconut sugar, agave, honey & artificial sweeteners
  • Dried fruit
  • Packaged food!
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee (if you do drink a lot you may include 1 coffee or black tea per day for the first 1-2 days to lesson a withdrawal, but ideally avoid altogether).
Food Must Do's:
  • WATER! Clean purified water is essential to flush the body's toxins. Add at least an extra litre of water daily while detoxing
  • Start each day with the juice of half a lemon in warm water before breakfast
  • Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, the more raw vegetables the better
  • Eat a medium amount of fruit, especially organic berries
  • Choose lots of fish and slow cooked chicken, preferably organic
  • Have 1 tbsp chia seeds in plenty of water or a 'chia pudding' at night time to remove toxins from bowels
  • Drink green tea instead of coffee
  • Ideally include 1 freshly squeezed juice that contains beetroot, carrot, celery & ginger which are all great to assist in detoxing
Clay Masks French Green Clay has been traditionally used to help draw toxins from the skin & tighten the pores. The clay is very high in trace minerals - Egyptians considered it to be sacred, due to its many amazing regenerating and energetic properties. It's like a superfood for the skin! Use a clay mask like the Skin Purifying Mask from SkinB5 daily - perfect for acne-prone skin or those with rosacea & blemishes as it works very gently to draw out the bad stuff (toxins) and put in the good stuff (minerals). Skin Brushing Also known as Dry Body Brushing, this helps to stimulate your lymphatic system and improve circulation. Use a natural body brush on dry skin first thing in the morning before you shower. In gentle circular motions, start at the feet and always work towards the heart. Don't forget your back, buttocks and thighs! When finished have a shower and alternate hot and cold water to assist in stimulating circulation and removing dead skin cells. Supplement Detox Support
  • Have 1 serve of chlorophyll liquid 2-3 times per day to assist in alkalising, and internal cleansing.
  • Get some extra antioxidant support with superfoods such as acai berry, spirulina, barley grass.
  • Take a good quality multi-vitamin & mineral and a dairy-free probiotic supplement daily.
  • A liver tonic that contains herbs such as St Mary's Thistle and Dandelion Root can assist in supporting and strengthening your liver & digestion. Talk to a naturopath or herbalist about taking a liver support formula while detoxing, and check any medication contraindications.
Yours in health, Haley Yates

Haley is a passionate Naturopath & nutrition expert, writer, and mum of 2 young children, with years of experience in the industry. She is a known as a real 'nutrition nerd' and follows the latest natural health research. As a Paleo and raw food enthusiast, she coaches people in healthy living, beauty and positive mindset. Haley has personally experienced the benefits of the SkinB5 natural acne treatment system and is happy to offer her guidance to help others regain clear skin. Follow her blog at & link with her on facebook at
Category_SKIN CONDITIONS>Anti-Aging Complete skincare Hayley Yates Naturopath Skin and Body Detox skincare regime

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