More than Skin Deep, Australian Entrenprenuer redefines the Business of Skincare
Posted by Judy Cheung-Wood on
- Know thyself - search within to discover your own unique talents and abilities - you cannot apply your best self to maximise results and outcomes if you do not even know your own strengths and weaknesses. Do what you are good at and make it a mission to surround yourself with people who are good at doing what you are not good at!
- Develop a 'blind' faith to your own vision even when every single person around you question what you are doing, remember that only you can see your own vision, no one else can, but your conviction will start attracting people to follow and support you on your journey - others will starting seeing your vision once you have blazed a path and created something tangible to show the world.
- Do not doubt your intuition/gut feelings, particularly about people and situations - if they make you feel uncomfortable and feel uneasy, trust those negative feelings and walk away! And trust that you will be rewarded for your courage to do so.
- Be patient, and be tenacious, there is no such thing as overnight success - read any biography of hugely successful people, they have spent years and even decades laying down each brick to pave their own way to success.
- Listen to advice, but make your own judgment with confidence - when you are a business owner, you will attract a queue of consultants who all try to tell you what is best for your business, sometimes they are right, but most of the time they are wrong. Every business is unique and you are in your own journey writing your own story, so be confident and make decisions that make you feel good and feel excited about moving forward and upwards, and remember, good decisions do not require over-analysis which tend to happen if you listen to too much advice.