SkinB5™ helped Jaimee Completely cleared up her acne in 2 weeks
Posted by Team @skinB5 on

I wish I took a before photo, but it was very rare that I'd take a photo without make up on.
I am 34 years of age and have struggled with mild to moderate acne my whole life. I had a small patch of time in my early 20s where my skin was clear after a course of roaccutane and a couple of good patches after the birth of both of my children, otherwise my skin was always crappy. It has always been oily, always experienced worse breakouts along my jaw line around my period and could never go more than a day without growing a new pimple somewhere.
I have tried it all, expensive skin care, vitamins and potions from my GP, natropath you name it. I even tried an expensive round of IPL / laser facials last year and got no where.
On a whim I bought a bottle of B5 vitamins. Within 2 weeks I noticed at the end of the day I didn't have any new pimples, then after 2 months I thought 'oh maybe these tablets are working' now after 4 months I can absolutely say these have changed my life. I have had maybe 2 or 3 tiny pimples in the last 6 weeks, my skin is less red, less oily, I am wearing less make up and I feel amazing!
I haven't changed any of my skin care whilst on these tablets nor changed anything in my diet so I am SO confident it's B5 that has made the difference.
I had always hoped in my 20s that I would stumble across something that would just work, so I am actually still shocked that THIS was finally the thing that helped!
Please never stop making this product!!
*When did you start seeing visible results after using SkinB5™ daily?
2 weeks
*When did you start using SkinB5™?
*How would you rate level of improvements so far?
Completely Clear
*What was your daily dosage of SkinB5™ Extra Strength Vitamins?
2 tablets, 2 times a day
- Jaimee