We all shower every day, but are you fully present during your shower? Or are you thinking about how little time you have to get to work or Uni? Or the list of things you have to do in the day?
How about bringing some mindfulness to your showers this week, you might be surprised how much calmer and relaxed it helps you feel.
Here's how
- Step into the shower, feel the cool tiles on the soles of your feet.
- Turn on the water, feel the shower taps; are they metallic, plastic, smooth or hard? How does that texture feel on your skin?
- Feel the water sprinkle onto your skin.
- What is the temperature?
- How does the water sound - on the shower screen/ curtain and the difference of that sound against your skin?
- How does the water pressure feel against your skin? Against your scalp and/ or your face?
- If you need to adjust the temperature feel the difference to your body temperature and your appreciation for the warmth and/ or coolness the change of temperature brings. What reaction does this bring to your body and mind?
Does your body feel more relaxed or more energised?
- Reach for your shower gel or soap and SkinB5 Cleansing Mousse.
- What does the container feel like?
- Is it a pump or a bottle?
- How does it feel in your hand?
- Take in the colour. Breathe in, how does it smell?
- What does that smell remind you of? Holidays? Fruit? Freshness?
- How does it feel on your skin? Cool, foamy, smooth?
- How do the soapsuds feel rinsing off your skin?
Continue with this amount of detail as you wash & condition your hair all the way through to turning off the shower taps and stepping out of the shower to dry off.
Being this present whilst you shower will, in fact, bring calmness to that time and almost make it feel like a spa like an experience!
How nice would it be to have that feeling every day? And it's really this easy!
Bring some mindfulness to your showers this week, see how it makes you feel and how it can calm your morning/ evenings significantly.
Let me know how you go.
Venessa is a down to earth Nutritional Therapist & Life Coach, specializing in helping clear your stress and problem skin through Holistic Simplicity. Her passion for healthy living, whole foods and beauty from the inside out, is a result of years of acne, adrenal exhaustion and digestion issues that affected not only her body but also her confidence. Venessa wants to share with you how Yoga & Meditation along with a natural, unprocessed diet and SkinB5 products can build flawless skin, amazing confidence, and a massive smile, as it has done for her.
Check out Venessa’s website for more details about how Nutritional Therapy & Life Coaching could help you.
Category_LIFESTYLE>Skin Wellness
Clear Skincare Routine
Health Coach
Stress and acne
Venessa Nickless