In today’s ugh-worthy news, another seemingly harmless household product is out to ruin your skin. In a Reddit post first spotted by that's now going viral, one user by the username of /regissss wrote, “PSA: Dryer sheets can cause acne,” sending everyone who has ever had zits in a frantic tailspin.
The Details
The Redditor went on to say that although they’ve been eliminating products from their routine for the last year in an effort to find the cause of their breakouts—including switching their laundry products to sensitive skin–friendly products—they’ve still battled acne. “Finally, about a month ago, I cut out everything except All Free and Clear detergent and white vinegar as softener from my laundry routine,” writes /Regissss. The result? Surprisingly clear skin.
"I went from having a new pimple or two a day to close to zero pimples per day almost overnight," /Regissss tells; "And within two weeks, my skin had almost completely cleared up." It's been a month, and their skin has only continued to improve.
“My skin’s recovery has been dramatic since then, and my dermatologist confirmed that dryer sheets can be a huge trigger for some people,” they continue in the post. “Apparently,
Of course, not every single zit is the result of a few dryer sheets—though they can be problematic. “Dryer sheets have been implicated for a while in inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema,” says dermatologist Mona Gohara, M.D., assistant clinical professor at Yale University. “The fragrance is the usual culprit, but it’s not a far stretch to think that it may irritate acne for the same reasons: a compromised skin barrier.”
So if you’ve been struggling with breakouts, rashes, and/or sensitivity and have tried virtually everything, try cutting out your dryer sheets for a month and see how your skin responds. You can use wool dryer balls to curb static, and as for the softness? Well, maybe the fact that your skin could be happier will make up for your slightly scratchier sheets.