Skin Health & Wellness Articles

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Battle of the Breakouts: Secrets to Tackling Acne as an Adult vs. Teenager

Think you've escaped acne now that you've left your teenage years behind? Think again! Acne isn’t just a teen issue; it can surprise you in...

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Unveiling the Skincare Secret: How Vitamin B Can Cure Acne with Just One Pill

Introduction Tired of stubborn acne and endless skincare routines? What if the solution lies in a tiny pill packed with Vitamin B? In this blog...

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The Importance of Sunscreen for Your Skin

Calling all skincare enthusiasts! Dive into our latest blog post to uncover the ultimate skincare essential: Sunscreen! Shielding your skin from UV damage, premature aging,...

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Top 5 Makeup Tips to Compliment Anti-Acne Skincare Practices

When you have acne, the initial instinct is to cover it up with makeup. But while you may feel better camouflaging your pimples with thick...

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What Is the Paleo Diet and Can It Help Acne?

It feels like there is a new diet around every corner nowadays. Some of these diets tell us to avoid carbs or go plant-based, while...

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SkinB5 Skin Survival Guide - Lifestyle, Food and more

How Should People With Acne Care for Their Skin? Clean Skin Gently If you have acne, you should gently wash your face with a mild...

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Teenage Acne

One bears not only physical scarring, but the emotional scarring is apparent to anyone who has talked to a teen with acne problems. Many teenagers...

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Nettle For Acne?

There’re many herbs that can help with the treatment of acne… Each one works in a truly unique way. Did you know, that Nettle is...

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Benefits of Vitamin B5 for your Body

Is Vitamin B5 really that important? Vitamin B5 is an all-rounder when it comes to taking care of your body… So prepare yourself for the...

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Seaweed For Health & Clearer Skin

Seaweed? What are we talking about? A wonderful and powerful seaweed called Spirulina! Once a nutritious food source for the Aztecs, Spirulina is a blue-green...

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Spot Treatment vs Exfoliant Foods

If spot treatment isn’t working, treat your whole body as a spot. Have you tried spot treating acne? You take a specially made cream and...

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Skin Care 101 - Tips and Tricks

What are the basic pillars of skincare we should all be following? Most of us are leading super busy lives which often means basic skin...

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Tightening Enlarged Pores

We all hate those little openings in our skin……known as pores or craters as they are commonly referred to! Large pores leave the skin with...

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Avoid These Skincare Chemicals

Do you know what your largest organ is?Brain, Stomach, Liver…All wrong - your largest organ is your skin!And it’s great at absorbing what we put...

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The Benefits of Vitamin B5 for your Skin & Body — INSIDE & OUT

What happens when you spike your diet and skincare with skinB5™  What is Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, is one...

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Avoid Breakouts Caused by Extreme Weather

No matter where you are in the world, regular and consistent skincare is important. While some of you may be preparing for a frosty winter,...

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Coping with Acne: The Emotional Battle

Acne clearly has an impact on our physical appearance, but acne also inflicts powerful emotional and psychological damage in sufferers. When you or someone you...

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Skin SOS: Dealing with Breakouts

With all the home remedies and wives tales, how are we to know what actually works when we do break out? With first-hand experience, I...

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Using French Clay to Treat Breakouts

The use of clay for its healing benefits began with Aristotle (384-322 BC) and has been used around the world for centuries to heal, both...

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Why Going To The Gym Might Be Causing You Acne

We all know that exercise is good for you – it keeps you fit and healthy and alleviates stress, but it can be a contributing...

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How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

The association between food and skin health is becoming clearer as more and more evidence shows that our current Western diet is linked to increased...

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The DO’s and Don’ts of Skincare

Hi SkinB5 Tribe! We have the low down on the Do’s and Don’ts of skincare below: DO’s DO GO MAKE UP FREE give your skin...

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Surviving Hormonal Breakouts

Hormonal breakouts are most certainly not just a teenage affliction. Hormonal acne can continue into adulthood, especially affecting middle-aged women. Our hormones are largely in...

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How to Survive Bad Acne

If you’ve ever had those moments where you wake up with a really bad break out or one huge pimple and you would really rather...

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Does your race determine the severity of your acne?

‘Only white people suffer acne’, Growing up in the anglo-dominated outer suburbs of Melbourne’s south east, I naively believed that as a white teen, I...

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What is Maskne or Macne and how to prevent it.

Maskne.  The frustrating side-effect that has arisen from the regular necessity to wear face masks. Here in Melbourne, wearing face-masks as a preventative measure against...

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How to get your post-pill acne under control

Post-pill acne, ie. acne after quitting birth control pills… even just the thought of that sends shivers down the spine of many women. I know,...

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Why stress leads to weaker immunity and acne breakouts - and what you can do about it

With the pace life in 2020 speeding up, workloads increasing, and in recent months the fear and anxiety caused by the new coronavirus, also known...

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How to Clear Up Teenage Acne Naturally

Let’s start with the basics - what is teenage acne and what exactly causes it? What is teenage acne? Acne is one of the most...

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Three of the Best Foods to help you Maintain Healthy, Acne-free Skin

One of the best ways to maintain great skin is to replenish your body from the inside out. Our healthy skin routines are most effective...

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Over 40 and Still Getting Acne?

Here’re some interesting facts about adult acne to help understand why you have it and how to treat it! 1. Acne Begins With Blocked Pores,...

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Conventional Topical VS Natural acne treatment? Which option is better for your skin?

Do you feel frustrated with the lack of lasting results with your current acne treatment? For many years, conventional (medicated) topical treatments were the standard...

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Every skincare method, quickly explained for acne sufferers

There’s a big bustling world of ways to look after your skin. Toners, cleansers, serums, supplements, moisturiser, minerals, moisturiser with minerals … It can leave...

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Why potency of vitamins, mineral and nutrients in supplements and superfood powders matters

How Potent is Your Supplement? On the surface, some supplements might look like they have it all; a little bit of everything to cover all...

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Adrenal Fatigue and Acne

Chronic stress is something that affects so many people. Between work hassles, lack of sleep, relationship pressures and other curveballs that life throws us, it’s...

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Keeping Cool with Acne

Heat is the harsh centrepiece of our culture. Everything we do for fun happens because it’s hot. How do we relax with friends on an...

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Prebiotics, Probiotics and Skin Health

The skin is a living, breathing organ - the largest one in your body. It works to regulate body temperature, fight off pathogens, and keeps...

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How SkinB5’s Tablets and Caplets Work to Improve Your Skin from the Inside Out

Improving your acne is going to involve more than just fixing the surface. Like eliminating weeds from your garden you need to start with the...

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Australian Organic Hemp Protein

Hemp is nature’s superpower. You have to see the nutrition in this stuff. Soon SkinB5 is bringing you a thrilling natural supplement powder, Clear Skin...

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Harmonising, Cleansing and Chi Promoting Herbs for Health and Clearer Skin

Everything requires balance, especially the body. It’s constantly in a see-saw state of maintaining equilibrium, so effectively we mostly don’t even realise it’s happening -...

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How to properly care for your skin – a naturopathic approach

The skin is our largest organ. It is delicate and often unforgiving. It is our barrier between our body and the outside world, and will...

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The Importance of a Nutritional Treatment Approach for Acne

Our skin is an outward sign of health The skin is the largest organ of the body and can provide an indication of your underlying...

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SkinB5's Clear Skin Superfood Booster

It’s easy to get caught up with a hectic schedule: dashing from class/ work/ seeing friends/ studying for exams/ prepping for a presentation/ everyday life...

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Unusual Acne Treatments: Do They Really Work?

From banana peels to baking soda, there have been many unusual acne treatments floating around the internet over the years. Acne sufferer tested and celebrity...

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Dryer Sheets Can Cause Acne, and Everything Sucks

SkinB5 Opinion: not just dryer sheets, chemicals in many products such as hair conditioners, hair sprays could trigger or aggregate breakouts and other skin flare...

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There’s a weird new skincare treatment making the rounds online … and it has a dangerous secret.

It started on, at a well-known forum named Skincare Addiction. Users go there to fix their skin and review products, mostly rub-on creams and...

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Podcast - Controlling Acne From The Inside Out With SkinB5 founder Judy Cheung-Wood

Today on the Go Vita Podcast we are talking acne, with Marcus PearceIf you’re like me and grew up on a steady diet of white...

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Baking soda – latest skincare fad, good or bad?

While many trends can come and go, some tend to lean towards a more disruptive nature than others and can lead to potential skin issues...

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Natural Skincare Swaps

While it’s easy to fall in love and lust after a super fancy face cream with a price tag that rivals your weekly rent, sometimes,...

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Derived from the Greek word “Pantos”, meaning “ found everywhere”, Pantothenic Acid (also known as Vitamin B5) acquired its name in reference to its wide...

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5 Essential items for Clear Skin from the kitchen cupboard

While everyone loves a good DIY project or homemade recipe, things can get a little tricky when it comes to skincare — while one friend...

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Skin Boils or Acne?

Mystery lumps are scary. Sometimes you get a strange bump that looks like acne, but just a little different to the other pimples you’ve had....

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Travelling with Acne

Maybe you’re thinking about a holiday, you just got back from one, or you’re travelling right now. The world is full of travellers and explorers....

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