Tips for Staying Active over the Holiday Season

Posted by Judy Cheung-Wood on

So the ‘silly’ season is officially upon us and whilst it can be fun and enjoyable, it also plays havoc with your routine. Sports seasons finish, party invites are more frequent and often work can be more stressful. That being said, we know how important activity and exercise is for your health and skin. Getting your heart pumping is great for endorphin release and reduces stress and the potential for breakouts. Don’t forget, drink lots of water and keep active - sweating it out is great for rejuvenating your skin! So how what can we do to ensure we keep active during this time? 1. Keep at least one activity in your weekly routine It is true for everyone that this time of year involves lots of routine changes. Workloads increase, kids finish school and the social engagements increase exponentially. However it is really important that you keep one thing constant, if you play sport once a week or take a gym class, don’t skip it. Or if you normally go for a walk in the mornings keep at least two mornings free to maintain that habit. Other aspects of your life will change but don’t skip your allocated work out time. 2. Substitute a coffee date for a walking date It often happens that around this time that lots of the people you care about want to catch up with you, which is lovely, but it often involves excessive food or drinks. Where possible, try and incorporate a trip to the park or a walk around your area instead of a meal or drink. 3. Take advantage of the nice weather What a beautiful time of year to walk home from work or take your kids to the park. Try and think of celebratory activities that involve physical activities, even enjoying a local Christmas Farmers Market can be really fun and a good way to keep up the exercise and maybe even a few presents out of the way!
Category_LIFESTYLE>Skin Wellness Exercise and Skin; Sweating: Summer Skincare; Holiday Skin; Healthy Living

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