SkinB5 Community Leader

Skin Health & Wellness Articles

My Top Skincare Tips When Travelling

Travelling is fun - we get to visit new places, meet new people, enjoy different cuisines and the list goes on BUT there is one...

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Change the Mindset to win over Stress

How easy is it to change your mindset? Are you used to doing things at a certain time, knowing what's happening on each day and...

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6 Spring Clean Steps for the Best Skin

Maintaining a clear skin lifestyle can be difficult. Whilst doing so is arguably a part of the growing wellness movement that’s so popular on social...

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7 Ways to Get Your Skin Spring-Ready

Spring. It’s the season where birds transform into Disney cartoons (except magpies), where fields are painted all colours of the rainbow, and where the promise...

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SkinB5 when you are single (and mingling)

Still single and mingling? Want to keep up with your SkinB5 but are always out? Being a teenager is fun. So are your twenties. Adventures...

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Meditation Techniques for Relaxation

Have you tried meditation? Many people have attempted meditation, but struggle, as it’s difficult to switch off the mind. But what if you didn’t have...

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Do you have these healthy living questions?

This June I’ve been holding a 30 day Mind Body Challenge, which has included nutrition, movement and meditation and many questions were raised. It’s a...

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5 Essential Makeup Tips For Acne-prone Skin

Makeup is our best friend when it comes to covering up our imperfections. However, we need to be very careful when choosing the products we...

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